My guest on this episode of the Mobile Dev Memo podcast is David Philippson, the founder and CEO of Dataseat, a privacy-first mobile DSP. As David notes in our conversation, this is the fourth episode of the MDM podcast on which David has appeared, which likely makes him the most recurring guest. David is a wealth of insight into the mobile advertising ecosystem, having founded one of the first MMPs, Ad-X, which was acquired by Criteo in 2013.
In this episode, David and I discuss AdAttributionKit, the advertising attribution framework that Apple introduced at WWDC this year and which is mostly — currently, anyway — a re-brand of SKAdNetwork. Among other things, we cover:
- The changes to mobile attribution introduced with AdAttributionKit;
- The extent to which AdAttributionKit is an attempt to unify attribution across platforms, and what would that conceivably might look like in a few years’ time;
- Whether Meta or Google are any more likely to adopt AdAttributionKit than they were SKAdNetwork;
- Why Apple made the change that only allows one view-through impression to be open at a time;
- Apple’s long-term vision for attribution;
- Whether Private Cloud Compute will have a measurement use case at some point;
- Updated thoughts on the likelihood of Apple deploying its “nuclear option” of IP obfuscation.
Thanks to the sponsors of this week’s episode of the Mobile Dev Memo podcast:
- Rockerbox. Get the clarity your marketing needs and navigate your way to success with Rockerbox. Visit today to see what it’s all about.
- INCRMNTAL. True attribution measures incrementality, always on.
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